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How To Start A Business With No Money In 2025: 7 Simple Steps

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If you dream of starting your business with no money in 2025, I want you to know that it’s possible. You can have zero naira right now and still start a business that will become successful.

In this blog post, I will share with you 7 steps on how to start a business with no money and turn it into something big. You also need to be determined and ready to work.

7 Steps To Start A Business With No Money

1. Build In Public

Nowadays, you can find anything and everything on the internet.

Technology has made it so easy for us to get connected and reach so many people from the comforts of our homes and this has allowed us to consume different forms of entertainment and media that were not possible in the past. Before, content used to be curated by television and media companies but not anymore.

You can build in public through platforms like YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter. These platforms have produced celebrities and successful business owners who started from nothing and scratch.

You can document your journey in the form of a blog or a video and put it out there for the public to see. The main reason you are building in public is to create an audience and get people who are genuinely interested in what you do even before you launch a product or service

2. Provide Value For Free

When starting a business with no money, your main goal at the beginning shouldn’t be to make money. Your goal should be to provide value without expecting anything in return. This is a very important step for any business to succeed.

Think of how your content or service can be of great importance to your audience and give it to them for free.

Never make the mistake of selling it off to your audience immediately as they may think you are only after your money. Just continue providing that value while building an audience. What happens is that you’re creating a core group of people who trust the value of your content and your brand

3. Target A Market

When building your audience and providing value, you need to also target a market. A market that needs what you provide and can gain a lot from the value you give.

It must also be a market you care about because when you do something you love for people you love, it gives you the motivation to want to continue and never give up.

Also, targeting this market gives you an advantage because you’ll genuinely care about them. After all, you feel that you are one of them.

Many business owners give up quickly because they target a market they know nothing about. Once you target a market you love and love the services and products you provide, you will love your business.

4. Learn A Monetizable Skill

After building an audience and having a target market, the next thing is to think of a skill that you can monetize.

For this, you need to do your research on your target market and list down the problems they need solutions to and the questions they need answers to. This will make it easy to know the monetizable skill you need.

To learn this skill, you can check out different tutorials on YouTube and take courses on sites like Udemy, Skillshare, or Coursera. After learning this skill you can decide to offer it for free to build a portfolio.

5. Charge For Your Service

After offering your services for free and building an audience who is interested in your services, the next important step is to charge for your service.

At this point, you can easily make more sales and reach more clients because you have already identified yourself as an expert in that field, and you have people who trust you already.

6. Create A Product

This step will blow your mind as it will help you create another source of income and drive more sales with just minimal effort.

The simple way to do this is to turn your service into a product that your audience can purchase. Instead of charging by the hour for your services, you can create a product to automate the sales and even make money while you are asleep.

>> RELATED: 13 Digital Products You Can Sell Online

7. Hire People

When your business starts growing and bringing returns, the work will begin to outgrow your capabilities as only you won’t be able to do everything again. You will need more hands at this point.

You can hire one or two people who can take over your process while you run the business and focus on how to increase your business returns. Just make sure you hire people who care just as much as you do. Don’t be afraid to scale up and expand your business.


Starting a business with no money is still very possible and it’s something you can do if you apply these simple steps highlighted above. You will also need to be determined and consistent.

Now that you’ve read this blog post, you should go ahead and start your business with no money and see how it will turn into something big.

If you need a business idea, check out our post on 11 businesses that will be around forever.

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